22. The engagement contract of an executive director may be renewed, each time, for a period not exceeding 4 years.
The executive director shall notify the board of directors in writing, except when physically incapable of doing so, that he will make a decision on the renewal of his engagement contract 180 days before the expiry of his engagement contract. An executive director who is physically unable to do so shall send this notice within 15 days following the end of his inability.
The board of directors shall inform the executive director in writing at least 90 days before the end of his engagement contract of its decision to renew or not to renew the contract. The board of directors may not re-new the engagement contract of an executive director more than 12 months prior to the expiry date of the contract. In a case of non-renewal of engagement, the board of directors shall proceed as set out in Division 1 of Chapter 6.
Upon renewal of the engagement contract of the executive director, the board of director shall proceed in accordance with sections 19.1 and 20.
Where no decision has been made by the board of directors concerning the renewal of the executive director’s engagement contract and where the board of directors has failed to notify the executive director in writing of its decision at least 90 days prior to the end of his contract, the engagement contract shall be renewed for a term of the same duration.
Where the renewal notice of 180 days provided for in the second paragraph of this section has not been given, the engagement contract of the senior administrator shall be renewed for a period of 6 months or for successive periods of 6 months until such notice of 180 days has been given to the board of directors and the board of directors has had a period of 90 days to decide whether or not to renew the senior administrator’s contract. In that case, the senior administrator’s contract may be renewed for a period not exceeding 4 years decreased by the period elapsed since the moment where the contract should have been renewed initially.
O.C. 1217-96, s. 22; T.B. 196313, s. 13; M.O. 2006-019, s. 9.